Sun and Sin -
No cash, but still want to party? Money making tip #1 - Mowing Lawns
By Burt Bandage
Published on 06/22/2007
A new series of articles will focus on ways to make money to finance your party vacation. All the jobs outlined should be fairly easy to get for a young and healthy person with no formal education.

Earn some extra party-cash by mowing lawns


If you like working with yards, providing your own cash flow dependant on your effort, and enjoy working around people, mowing lawns may be the perfect job for you. Mowing yards is a great outdoor career where your financial benefits are directly reliant on your direct efforts. There are always lawns to be mowed, and many young people choose mowing lawns as their first real job.

Average pay rate: From $25 to $100 per hour depending on the location and skill of the mower.

Pros: Mowing lawns is an outdoor job in a dynamic setting, and professional lawn care specialist can make a really good career choice.

Cons: Mowing lawns is seasonal depending on location, and mowing lawns can cause injury to the ears overtime due to the noise.

This idea on how to earn some extra cash is presented in co-operation with Money Making Idea site