Tips are not common in Brazil. However, if someone gives you good or special service, then you might consider giving him or her tip. That is if you are a tourist. Brazilians generally do not hand out tips. If you are a tourist, then it is understandable if you leave bills on the table after your meal. In fact, the service people will appreciate this gesture of yours.

Bars & Restaurants
Almost all bars and restaurants have “Servico” written in the bill. This means service fee. It is 10% of the total amount. If you want the service provider to have additional aside from this, then you can give them the money separately.

At bars, bartenders do not handle cash. You ask for the bill and he brings you the total. Decide
how you’ll pay. You can give money, check, or card. Sometimes in night clubs or crowded bars, you are given a number or an individual control paper. You register to pay when you’re done for the night. You can cultivate loyalty with your bartender by striking a conversation with him. Talk and share jokes.

Taxis in Brazil run on meters. People round up the amount of the number to the whole number so that they don’t have to carry coins with them. For example, if the bill is 11.20, then just hand the driver 12. However, if you are coming from or going to the airport, the taxi driver may expect additional charges on the top of the fare. This is for carrying your luggage for you.

When you’re touring Brazil, have a couple of bills ready. This will make it easier for you to enjoy doing the itinerary you have as well as enjoying the sites Brazil has to offer. By giving service providers tips, they make sure that you have the best vacation ever.