Dawn May doesnand’t buy her own drinks

Dawn May loves to travel. She’s born in Denmark, but lives in London. She has recently finished a 3-track demo.

First of all, tell us about your 3-track demo?

Breakdown is a party song that I think is perfect for the clubs, the beat is groove and the song has attitude.

Second song, Insecure is a more vulnerable side of me. I wanted a ballad, but I didn’t want it to be too slow.

The last song is the only song I didn’t co write on, it’s a sweet song with a bit of R’nB to it.

All in all my music is pop that will make you dance, think and smile!

Listen to the music at her Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/dawnmaymusic

Where will you travel for your next vacation?
I’m going to India in April and might be going to LA this summer as well… gotta love LA right?

What’s the most expensive drink you have ever drunk?

Oh I don’t know, i never buy my own drinks ;)

..and where was the cheapest?
Must have been in Thailand!

What do you think about string bikinis?
If you got the bum, why not show it!

What do you think about men in Speedos?

The only men who should wear speedos are swimmers.


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