Fit and tanned for the summer

Fit and tan woman in monokini

Summer is nearly here, and many young men and women are heading to the gyms and fitness clubs throughout the country to tone up that body.

The tan is the easy part, a few sessions in a tanning bed should get that sorted out. To get a toned or/and muscular body requires a lot of additional work.

It’s just life – The best looking bodies get the most attention

The people with the best looking bodies get the most attention on the beach. For guys, it takes big arms, defined chest and abdominal muscles, and a strong back to draw the eye of the hottest women.

Women better be in shape

Fitspiration - fit & tanned woman in bikini and with oily body.

Women don’t have to be sculpted, but they better be in shape. One way to get your body into this beach shape is to spend many hours in a gym for ten months leading up to the summer. Who has time to work out for two hours everyday, though? It is difficult for even very active people to get themselves into premium beach shape.

Extreme motivation and dedication is required to get in tip-top shape for the summer. Good luck!

All photos: Shutterstock


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Get fit for the summer


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