How to get fit for spring break?

Time to shed those pounds and get in shape for spring break? Read on for some useful tips.

Please note that these are tips for those of you who only have a few pounds too much and need to the last few adjustments to get beach ready.

Fit for spring break

In the weeks leading up to spring break, here are some things you can do to look leaner. Keep in mind that these don’t result in any significant weight loss, they’ll just help you look leaner.

1. Increase water intake.

Increase the amount of water you take in.This helps cleanse the body and rinse it out. No juices, sodas (not even diet soda), or alcohol — just pure water.

2. Less salt in your food

Minimize salt in your food. Salt helps the body retain water, which may make you look and feel bloated. Cut down on salt so that all the water you take in will flow right through without being retained. Keep in mind that salt is an essential element for the body, so be careful not to cut it out completely, or you might encounter some health problems. Just lessen your intake. Processed foods have tons of salt, so you definitely want to stay away from these.

3. Boost your metabolism with coffee

Some diet experts recommend drinking 2 cups of coffee or tea a day. This, they say, helps with fat oxidation and boosts your body’s metabolism. Just make sure you don’t add any of the extras — sugar and cream — to your drink.

So now you know what you need to do to look awesome on the beach during spring break. Getting in shape will boost your confidence, help you look and feel good and allow you to have maximum fun with all your friends out on the beach.


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