
Write for are looking for writers for the site. Both European and American writers are needed as we cover both the spring break scene in the US and the drunken summer vacations in Europe.

Details about payment, word count, uniqueness:
Payment is $5 for each article + the possibility of a $6 bonus. This means you will make a minimum of $5 for each article, and a maximum of $11.

About the bonus:
 If the article gets more than 3000 readers within 1 month of posting you are given a bonus of $6 for that article. A regular article posted to the site gets a couple of hundred views, but if it is posted to websites like facebook, digg, reddit, stumbleupon and well received there, the article will get several thousand views and there will be a bonus as a result of this.

Minimum word count in an article is 300 words.

Payment is via PayPal.

Exclusive:The rights of the article are given to only.

Unique:  The article needs to be fresh and unique. It can't be posted elsewhere or be someone elses work.

What to write about?
Do you have in-depth knowledge about spring break, partying, clubbing or vacations and are able to write about it with flair and creativity? are looking for writers. Here are some potential subjects for articles which we would like to have developed by freelance writers:

General spring break / party vacation articles

Panama City Beach: 10 things to do during Spring Break 2008

Did I really do that? 10 things you are likely to regret after your big spring break vacation

Parents: This is what really goes on when your college kid travels for his/hers spring break

It's my first spring break! What do I need to know?

Spring break on a budget: How to do it on a bargain?

How to take the perfect spring break party photo?

Experience from the hospitality industry?
If you for example have experience working in the hospitality business or other related jobs in resort which deals with lots of party travellers we are also interested in hearing your stories. This could be the basis of articles like this:

No, not again! My experience working as a receptionist during spring break

I can't believe they did that! Experiences from a bouncer in a holiday resort

Working at Hooters: Don't they ever get tired of looking at my breasts?

Yet another night of giving out flyers for the discoteque..

Your suggestions?
If you have an idea for something you would like to write and it is related to the spring break & party vacation theme of the site you are welcome to suggest it.

Interested in writing an article? Tell me which type of article you would like to write. Please feel free to include some info about yourself (age, location, spring break / party vacation experience) and your writing/blogging experience. Contact by e-mail: sunandsin (AT)

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