So far with the guys I met in this lifetime, they all toyed with the idea of having a threesome.  I don’t want to generalize but if you’re a guy who finds this idea self-depreciating, then you may not be from this planet. For those shy types who do not know how to start the conversation with their girlfriend leading to this topic, here are few words I can give you. It’s not based from my experience (?) but nonetheless they are effective.

But before you do it and go through with it...
Remember to clean up your bedroom! Bring out the silky satin sheets. Turn your love nest into a romantic setting. You may also want to rearrange the furniture to make it feel like you’re in a new place. By doing this, you kill the boredom brought about by too much familiarity in that area of the house.

Master the art of blurting out the things at the right time

Never ever ask about her idea on this while you’re on the act of doing it or I bet she’d go dramatic asking you, “Am I not enough?” That’s a cardinal sin and you might have just blown all your chances of getting her approval of it.

Do not appear too eager

It’s best to bring the topic up on a casual lazy day when you are doing non-sexually related activities. You may want start by asking her sexual fantasies (but stop touching please!). Let her do the talking first or she might figure out sooner than you think that you’re making her fall into one of your lousy traps.

Focus on her needs, not yours!

Telling your woman that you want to f*ck two girls at the same time is somewhat offensive. If you say it that way, your girl may assume that you are on the lookout for someone better than her. You may state your intention by telling her that you have this fantasy of watching her reach orgasm while doing the act with another woman. You may also say that you’re wondering how it would look like seeing her making out with another lady. This is the way to test the waters. If she vehemently finds the topic disgusting, don’t push your luck.

But if you think she’s into it

You may pop out the question, but again do not appear to be too enthusiastic. Here are few nicely phrased questions you may ask:

• Do you think a threesome would be a nice idea?
• Would you like to give it a try?
• Would you like us to give it a chance?

As you can see, you should put it nicely and make her feel that it’s her opinion that really matters. Make her pick the girl of course. Trust her taste. Women are more critical when it comes to other women. Do not expect her to choose someone far gorgeous than her but I bet she will not choose a really ugly girl because remember she will play with that woman too.

Dreaded question she can ask you

Your girlfriend may ask you what would be the effect of doing a threesome on your relationship. She may be afraid that you may see her as a slut after doing the threesome act with you. First and foremost, do no ask your girlfriend or wife to do such thing if you’re not into a stable relationship. If trust had been a very big problem on the relationship, the threesome might put the nail in the coffin. Again, give her your assurance that it’s just an adventure and nothing more.

It may be fun, but some people are not open-minded when it comes to it. Well, we just need to respect that. For my final words on this, make sure that you know your boundaries when you try it. Make your woman set the boundary. Happy trio!

The day after you do this...
Wake up early and prepare something tasty for your partner and have a light conversation about what happened last night over breakfast. This will start the day right for the two of you.